August 30, 2024

Together We Can: Honoring Lives and Spreading Hope on Overdose Awareness Day 2024

Amanda H. , Roanoke

On Thursday, August 29, 2024, we gathered as a community to observe Overdose Awareness Day, a few days ahead of International Overdose Awareness Day on Saturday, August 31. IOAD is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died, and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind.

This year’s theme, “Together we can,” emphasizes the incredible power of our community when we all stand together. Thursday’s event included a memorial slideshow commenced by Lisa Via, Council of Community Services’ Drop-In Center North Manager and Comprehensive Harm Reduction Services Coordinator. Lisa has spent the past six years working alongside some of the most resilient individuals who use drugs in the Roanoke Valley. The dedication of Lisa, Tammy, and other health services team members is reflected in the compassion and love they bring to their work every day.

In Lisa’s heartfelt introduction, she shared powerful words that resonated with everyone in attendance:

“The loss of each person on the slideshow and the memorial wall has left a void in our hearts, but their spirit and love continue to live within us every day. Each person we remember today had a unique and beautiful impact on those and the world around them. By sharing their stories and supporting each other, we can break the stigma and encourage those in need to seek help. It is important that we continue to raise awareness about overdose prevention and addiction.

Overdose is a battle we can win if we stand united. Each life lost to overdose is a heartbreaking tragedy that should never be forgotten. Addiction may claim lives, but compassion and support can save them. Overdose awareness is not just a month; it is a lifelong commitment to saving lives! Let us keep the memories of our loved ones alive! Together we can!”

During the event, a gentleman who had lost his daughter exclaimed, “There’s hope in the Star City!” His words echoed the sentiment shared by many, highlighting the strength and resilience of our community. As we come together to honor those we’ve lost, we also strengthen our commitment to supporting those still with us. In Roanoke, we stand united in our mission to combat overdose and addiction, spreading a message of resilience and compassion. Every life saved, every story shared, and every effort made brings us closer to a community where hope thrives, and no one faces these challenges alone.

Last year, with the help of our community, we distributed 9,500 doses of Narcan, ensuring that life-saving support was available when it was needed most. This effort is just one example of how we can come together to make a tangible difference in the fight against overdose.

If you or a loved one needs help, here are some resources to support you:

Roanoke Valley Collective Response

Resource Database

The Hope Initiative

HOPE Initiative

Council of Community Services 

Prevention and Care

211 Virginia 

Need help? Dial 2-1-1

One Pill Can Kill  
